Average gas mileage of new cars hits record high
When UMTRI began taking figures in October 2007, the average gas mileage of new cars was just 20.8 mpg, illustrating the constant improvements carmakers
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The figures are calculated
cheap jerseys free shipping from the monthly sales of individual models of lightduty vehiclescars, SUVs, minvans and trucks.
cheap Jerseys Wholesale From China while the overall number seems lowunder 25 mpg is certainly nothing special these daysit's
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And even those vehicles have made significant advances over
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Should buyers switch to the most economical models in even greater numbers, salesweighted MPG
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UMTRI also measures what it calls the 'EcoDriving Index', or EDI.
Two EDI measurements
fitflops canada outlet are calculatedone based on the average fuel used per distance driven in new vehicles; the other for distance driven by an individual driver.
While distance driven has remained fairly static since data recording started (98 percent of the October 2007 figure), fuel used per distance driven has dropped by a significant 17 percent.