Aviation sector showing signs of revival
The airline industry is witnessing a revival, Union Minister for Civil Aviation Ajit Singh said on Sunday. Addressing the 11th Routes Asia Conference in Mumbai
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Mr Ajit Singh
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Green Bay Packers hats aviation scenario. He said to give a boost to international air travel, the government has liberalized grant
fitflops best price of traffic rights to Indian carriers. new traffic rights have opened up several new international sectors
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The Minister said
fitflops in canada that the government envisages investment of $ 12.1 billion during the 12th plan period, of which $ 9.3 billion is expected to come from the private sector.
When asked about the delay in commencement of work on the Navi Mumbai airport choking the air traffic development in Mumbai, Singh said the ongoing modernization and expansion being carried out at the Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport would enable it to handle up to 40 million passengers per annum.
Presently, India is the 9th largest aviation market in the world handling 121 million domestic and 41 million international passengers..